Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A generous father-in-law

So - we're at Disneyland. This is our 5th trip this year (we bought a year-long pass) and this time around Grandma Kathy, Aunt Sherri and McKenna are with us. This should be a good time.

We had a little trouble actually getting to the hotel when Google Maps decided to not tell us which way to go a couple of times and ended up sending us about 30 miles out of our way before we finally arrived. Road trips are always SO much fun! Technology is great and we learn to rely on it, then when it fails us we are totally stumped. Good times.

Anyway, we got here not feeling terribly happy. Shortly after we got somewhat settled Grandma Kathy handed us an envelope from Grandpa Sherl. He had written a short note to us expressing his gratitude for us and then told us that he would be paying for the hotel - to the tune of $500. That is a HUGE boost for us. We have been really having some struggles financially recently, and this helps relieve a bit of a burden.

You might question, if you are having struggles financially, why are you going to Disneyland. I don't have a great answer, I can only say that we made a decision as a family to take money that would have been spent on other things (birthdays, Christmas, etc.) and instead spend the money on the annual passes for Disneyland and spend more time building experiences instead of buying stuff. It has been a great success for our family, and we've done all we can to make sure that we don't stretch ourselves too much financially.

All that being said - having Marci's dad offer to pay for the largest expense for this trip really helps us in our attempts to meet other financial goals. So, today I am grateful for my father-in-law and for his generosity and willingness to help us just because he wants to.

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